Father's Day

It's Father's day today in Estonia. We celebrated with a special breakfast. In our family, to spend an extra hour cooking, it's how we show love. :)

For the rest of the day the plan was to renovate.. (We have some little changes in our home coming soon.)

We are so lucky, because our girls have the best dad in the world. No question.

What does a good dad mean for us?

One of my friends once said, that Mr. Husband as a parent is equal with mom (that'd be me). And yes, that's one thing, that makes a great father, in my eyes - father is as important and as involved, as is the mother.
Sadly, that isn't always like that for others..

For us.. When Adelaide was two weeks old, I had changed her diaper.. maybe twice. Because Mr. Husband was at home and did that - every single time. You know, I bonded with the baby through breastfeeding, and he - through diaper changing. :) And he was happy to do that! Same with baths, bathing has always been his time with the children, and I rarely do it, pretty much - only when he's not home.
Sure, mothers and fathers are a bit different (the same breastfeeding thing), but still - I have always seen it like this, that he is as able and as capable to take care of the children as am I. Thankfully, he has seen it the same way.

Everyone is scared to stay alone with a small baby at first.. What if they start crying?! I know I was. And sometimes fathers.. As they somehow can do it.. They get scared and never start doing it. He did, and turns out - it was fine. Children get attached to both of the equal caregivers.

So he does it all. Right after work, I can hand the children over to him, and have an hour or two to myself. And I can be totally confident, that everything is fine. He even can put them both to sleep! (It's hard for me to do.)

Somewhere I read, that we shouldn't say, that our husbands are helping us out a lot. Because they are not "helping", they are parenting. Same as we, mothers, do every day, which is considered normal.

I am thankful for that. I think this is a key for surviving parenthood.. This part of our lives, that is so overwhelming (and wonderful). The only way for our relationship to come out of this alive, is to be equal team players, be able to rely on each other.
Because he understands. He knows, how life with children all day long really is. That's why he appreciates me so much and what I do. :) We appreciate each other.

And children have an amazing father. What makes an amazing father? What makes an amazing parent. First of all, time. For children love equals time, you could say. It doesn't take much - just be with them, spend your time with them, play with them.. Without distractions. Second, probably, would be patience.. And if you already give time and have patience, that's pretty close to the perfect parent, I'd say. :)

Our children are so happy to have a father like he is. And I am so happy too.


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