Jasmiina - 1 month old!

So quickly our first celebration day, Jasmiina's 1st little birthday, first cake eating day has come! :)

Continuing the tradition of making (and eating) cake and making cute monthly pictures. :)
Doctor's visit is tomorrow, so then we'll find out, how much she has grown.. But for sure, a lot! (I have cream instead of milk coming out of me apparently..)

Delicious decadent chocolate mascarpone cake for this occasion.

Jasmiina is still sleeping A LOT! (Most of the day.) In stretches of couple hours, eats in between. But in couple of last days I have noticed, that she - maybe, finally - is awake for a bit longer. Looking around, a bit startled of her big sister Adelaide, who wants to play and hug. The longest time, when she is awake, is always in the late evening (night, even), when Adelaide is already going to sleep or asleep, around 22-23 or even until midnight.  (So we go to sleep quite late, but it's fine, as we get to sleep quite long in the mornings.)

Jasmiina is really sweet - if you talk with her and look into her eyes, she smiles so cutely. :) (She smiles from first minutes out in this world, not overly much though, but exactly in moments like this, and also in her sleep.) She has adorable little black hair, that curl up after bath. :)

Can't wait to get to know her even more..

Here Adelaide decided that Jasmiina has to be covered with a blanket. She covered her all herself so neatly.

And then she wanted for Jasmiina to play..

Jasmiina's life really never will be boring, as she has her big sister to constantly entertain her.

Adelaide was brushing Jasmiina's hair.. And then mine too. :) She is very caring and generous.


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