Jasmiina - 9 months old!

Happy birthday, our wonderful Jasmiina! :)
Wow, 9 months.. She's one big girl already. (I have to start planning her birthday party!) Her hair have grown longer, her teeth have grown bigger, she is super fast.. She laughs, she talks (she has at least a few words that she says - aitäh, kaķis, Adelaide and am-am, when she means food), she has learned to clap and to wave! And when she hit her head and was crying, she was banging her head at me and showing, how she hit it. :D Jasmiina continuously loves music, she lights up every time we sing, and musical instruments are like a magnet to her. She has become so active and fast, that if last month I managed to still get a couple of pictures of her lying on the lambskin, then this time.. no way. :) She's too fast.

So we're celebrating today 9 months of this fun little girl with a delicious carrot chocolate cake (decorated with blackberries, that we picked with Adelaide). :) Which Jasmiina is not having yet.. Even though she'd love to. I haven't written anything about her eating lately, because there is not that much to write about - the girl loves to eat! She really likes food, eats so well, and already for a while she eats pretty much the same food that we do. I sometimes give it to her with a spoon, if it's of a consistency that would be harder for her to get into her mouth (she's not that good with a spoon yet), or if it's in bigger pieces, then she manages totally on her own. I haven't prepared a single puree for her. She loves apples. :)

And off the lambskin she goes.. :)


You would think that we're making this up and that we are making her pose with the music instruments. But no! There are also other toys around, and she does explore them sometimes (especially if they're Adelaide's), but normally, like right now, the first thing she goes to.. is this. And she plays.

She gives everything a taste.
And Jasmiina loves animals, especially our Romeo, same as Adelaide did, when she was this age. :)

Jasmiina is lifting up on her knees for a while already. But today, what's this? This is new! I think it's the first time ever I have seen her trying to push up on her legs.

These two. :) They are fun together. Adelaide takes care of Jasmiina a lot and always knows, what Jasmiina needs or wants.

And if Jasmiina doesn't want to lie on the lambskin.. There's one who does. :D


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