Toys at 15 months

Lasts posts were still from the summer, when we were outside a lot, and as I wrote, we weren't concentrating that much on indoor play.
Time goes and autumn has arrived, and for a while already I noticed that she actually is still quite interested in many of her toys. (I haven't bought anything new yet.) And at least at the moment it looks almost like there is no need - we are having a calm period, she is often just going to her toys, picking something and sitting with it for many minutes. Her independent play definitely has increased in a last month or so.

I observed that there are a few things she likes the most - if other stuff she hasn't touched for a long time (I should also probably reorganize her shelves) or has shown interest like once for a short moment, then these couple of toys she really likes - she chooses them herself at least once a day or maybe even many times a day.

She also enjoys sitting with her toys at her Montessori table, once we introduced it.

The first thing is this bead maze (or however to call it). Whatever that other people say their children are not interested in these at all, we have it for many months (since she was like 8 months), and she has liked it always! And it never gets old - she likes it more and less in cycles, and you can see, how her fine motor skills have improved. At this point she is doing it in an organized and determined way - like she actually understands the point of putting the beads from one end to the other, not just flipping them around, and she does it perfectly, one by one.

So as she really has mastered this one, it's probably time to buy her a more complicated one, something like this:

The next thing would be my self-made coin box. Sometimes she gets frustrated, if she can't get the coin turned the right way immediately, but she usually sticks till the end, until they all have been put in.

For some time we have pulled out the matryoshka that she got for last Christmas (too early), and finally lately she really likes it - she doesn't put them into each other yet, but she just likes putting the pieces together and taking them apart (it's a good matching game, as there are 3 different sizes). Still recently she often had to ask me to open it for her, as it closes quite tightly and really requires some grip to open them. But as I observed this morning - her fingers have gotten stronger and better at this, she could open it herself.

And to my surprise, the pop-up toy is a favorite! She likes it constantly. Can just take the sticks out and put in over an over again. I'm starting to try to direct her attention to different colors now.

I also introduced the peg puzzles - like the one on the table. We always have had them and she liked to take the pieces out and play with them. Before she used to know that pieces belong on the base, but didn't put them in their spaces. Now I demonstrated it, and she immediately liked and understood the point - wanting to put them back desperately - however, they are a bit too complicated still, even though I showed to turn them around and so on, she can't quite do it often, and then gets really frustrated. I probably should get her a really basic one, like with the 3 shapes.

And, of course, books. Books are still favorite, probably the most favorite. It's like she could spend all day just with books.

She brings them to us, we have to read and name the things, and she can also just go and sit on her own, flipping through all of her books. She likes them all - the new ones we got, all the old and weird ones, it doesn't matter.

Interestingly, the interest in dolls and stuffed animals has gone down, she picks them up rarely now, compared to before. Sometimes still. She puts the dolls to sit on the potty and to ride the bike.

Her interest in the bike is growing, sometimes she spends time riding it, and is improving at that.

So if these were the things that she still likes a lot at nearly full 15 months, then soon I have to make a post of new things and new activities. For example, she was transferring her dried-pea and rye balls (a snack) with a fork from the bowl to her plate, and was really into it. I should make her some transferring activities.


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