Family bed

We are a co-sleeping family, obviously.. It just feels natural and makes sense as the most pleasant and comfortable solution for all of us.

And 2 months before the arrival of our second baby we put together Adelaide's new bed. :) They say that all the changes that will be made to the older child's life (the ones that can be done earlier) should be done a couple of months before the new baby arrives. So she has 2 months now to get used to sleeping in her new bed.

Her bed is a simple and classic children's wooden bed, expandable, and as we put double mattresses, it is same height as our bed.

So far she was sleeping on the crib side of the bed - not always exactly in the crib (lately actually more), but it's good to have it there, so nobody falls out of the bed and there is more space. And already since she was weaned, Mr. Husband has slept on her side and comforted her during the night, if she wakes up. It's great, as I am having harder and harder, and more uncomfortable time to sleep by now, so I can get all the rest I possibly can..

Since Adelaide is weaned, she sleeps.. perfectly. In a parent superstition I don't even want to say, how well she sleeps.. Too scared to jinx it. :D
So we considered also putting her bed apart from ours (still in the same room), as most of the night she would be fine there.. But, still, she falls asleep with us lying next to her, and lately she likes to cuddle, and also - if she does wake up at night or is restless (usually closer to the morning she is), then it helps to put hands on her or cuddle close to her. And all of those things are a lot more comfortable to do, if she is next to us. So for some time still, who knows, for how long, we are still all going to be sleeping in one big bed, pretty much.

And soon enough, there will be another baby, sleeping next to me.. :)


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