Toddler and arts

I'm not any big on making little babies do arts - finger painting at really early age and so on.
I don't see any point in it, I think sensor activities are important - discovering world and everything in it by touch  - but in a natural way, just offering, what is normally available in real life. But arts, no, as they anyway don't get the point.. But that just me, if some babies happen to enjoy it, that's great.

And Adelaide hadn't shown any interest in drawing so far - I had given her pencils to draw some couple months ago, maybe when she was around 1 year old, and she tried it a bit, but was more interested in just playing with them, not actually drawing. And when offered water colors a couple of months ago, she was interested in sucking the brushes. ;)

But a couple of weeks ago I decided to finally give her something - and I gave her oil pastels and paper. I think those are quite a good choice for this age, as they are easy enough to grip, they don't require so much strength to be applied, so actually something would stay on the paper, and they don't make that much mess, when she is still learning (which is important enough to me).

And she actually was a bit interested. Nothing much stayed on the paper though. But now, she suddenly is showing a lot more interest. Mainly, she wanted us to draw for her.. And I'm not sure, if this is the right thing to do, according to Montessori and such, but we did - we drew some things that she would recognize (a cat, a leaf, an apple etc), and she really enjoyed that a lot. And now she is starting to draw more and more herself.

Classic first toddler scribbles, mostly sharp lines. These are Adelaide's first drawings! :)

Today she even took the crayons many times herself and was drawing. For many minutes each time.
And she was happy of her own drawings, even pointing and telling something about them.

I read recently, that quite soon - around 17-18 months these scribbles actually might turn into first circles, "cats" and "dogs" etc.

Also, what I read, that around 17-20 months first interests of the child could become appearant. Meaning, if the child is especially gifted and interested in arts, it might show, if interested in music, too.
And that left me thinking, at least for now, I really haven't noticed, that Adelaide would care about music much.. Well, she has enjoyed couple of live concerts we have been at. Also, she was enjoying the piano.. But nothing much more, and I hear about babies that like music a lot and even sort of sing at this age and even earlier.

I was wondering, are we not exposing her to music enough? We do sing quite often, but she doesn't like, when I sing. :D She immediately shuts my mouth, puts her hands in front of my mouth - don't sing! :D Which is funny.. I should be quite an ok singer. We are quite a musical family, Mr. Husband especially, and me too. (She doesn't mind him singing that much.)

I hear that other children sing and dance along commercials, but we don't have the TV on. Other children enjoy toys that sing, but we don't have (and are not planning to get) battery operated toys. About simply a background music Adelaide doesn't seem to care.
So she would have some exposure available, we got her this - Mr. Husband brought down his ancient cassette player. :)

As well as some cassettes. She likes it so far, to push buttons and watch the cassettes pop up. I think this is a good idea. Hard to say, if she cares about the music, yet.

She kinda likes the music instruments we have, I am planning to get some more.. We will see, if this child has any musical interest or not. :)


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