Best friends

Babies and animals. How do they fit together? I know that some (who don't have pets) are really cautious and even afraid of such combination. Others again see the amazing friendship that can form, the unique bond, that only forms between a child and an animal.

Because it truly does. Same as babies recognize other children (they are something different to them than adults), they also recognize animals.

We have observed this from the very beginning. Adelaide loved Romeo.. since she was, what, a couple of weeks old? Pretty much since was able to concentrate her sight long enough to notice him, she loved him.

"Romeo" (the name of our cat) is definitely her first word. First one that she understands (since a couple of months old) and reacts to (it's enough to just say "Romeo", and she is looking around for him).

Every time she sees him, she chases him. At first it was a problem, because she was grabbing his fur. But lately Mr. Husband has been very successful in teaching her to pet him nicely. :) The cat is a great motivator for baby mobility. I think, first time that she stood up for real, was to reach him on the chair.

Here is a little scene from our home..

Is the affection mutual?

I guess, not really. But the cat is really smart. He is very understanding and patient with her, a lot more so than with us. Probably he is not thrilled that we had to bring home this new family member, but he has made his peace with it. :)

Caught him sleeping in Adelaide's crib yesterday. :) Not such a big deal, as she is not using it anyway. He actually is not doing it almost ever, mostly he sleeps in the foot of the bed, there is nice free space exactly under her, next to my feet.

Interesting, are there fun times for them coming, once Adelaide learns to throw a toy? :D


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