Happy baby is back

Well.. Ok, for most of the time. ;)

About the Developmental leaps, that I wrote about before - they usually go as suddenly as they come.

For the last couple of days she has been her usual self (I guess), sometimes happy and playing on her own.. But most of the time still very clingy, I have to carry her around a lot. Starting even to think, maybe I should start using babywearing around the house again..

The eating subject is problematic. I'm not sure, why doesn't she want to eat.. At first she refused to eat porridge and purees with a spoon, that previously she didn't mind, agreeing only to eat by herself, or be given pieces by us. Then she didn't like that either.
In a desperation, I tried giving her a shop-bought baby puree, the one that comes not in a jar, but in the modern squeezing package. We almost never have used them, but Husband bought them in case (for trips etc), as they were discounted (and some good ones, local and eco).

So I gave that to her, some vegetables with beef, and she ate it all! I was quite shocked..
I think she obviously liked the new and entertaining packaging. It cannot be about the taste, because I make really yummy purees. ;) (And in the one there wasn't anything unnecessary, like salt or sugar, added, it tasted pretty much the same as the ones I would make.)

Today happened the same thing. And then I came up with a great idea, how to get food into my baby.. :D I cut the end open of the used empty package, and filled it with my self-made puree. It worked, she ate that too. ;)

Of course, I don't really like this.. For many reasons. But she should eat. Somehow.
I guess, if I'd follow BLW totally, then I should be just putting food in front of her and leaving it up to her - she'll eat, when she'll be hungry. But I guess I don't have the nerves for that.

Here still enjoying some cauliflower on her own.

As for the rest of the day..
I'm feeling a bit confused, as to what toys should I offer. Because sometimes I think she doesn't seem to be interested in the ones we have.. I have tried swapping them and all.
She continuously likes dolls though.. :)

But for that reason I bough her some new stuff. :)
For example this pop-up toy, that should be really good around this age. Good for hand-eye coordination and motorics.
For now, I must say, she only likes to chew the little smiley sticks. She doesn't show any interest in popping them, but laughs really hard, when I do it!

And! I decided to buy a walker wagon for her! :) Also wrote a couple of posts ago, that she was pushing the chair.. And that Montessori supports such wagons to push.
I found a really good deal, I think. Made by Janod. I'm happy with the quality. It had a dog's head with a bell in front.. But we are not dog people, so didn't attach it. :D For now, at least.
We just put it together this evening. She was interested in the wheels and the dotty bottom. But a bit scared of the thing itself.. And not willing to push it. But all in good time.

What else? There actually are noticeable changes, especially with language! 
She suddenly started really listening in what we are saying.. Really concentrating on certain, separate words, staring into our mouths, when we're saying it.

For example, funnily, her favorite word is "lampa", which means lamp in Latvian. We recently attached a ceiling lamp in our bedroom, and I guess she noticed the change. And ever since has been super interested in it. And crazily excited every time, every single time, when I say this word.
And I noticed, that she was actually trying to repeat the word as well! Nothing very clear is coming out yet, but.. we actually can already pick up, as she is trying to say it! Does it count as her first word, I wonder?
And she is listening intensely in other words as well.

Of course, she makes all kinds of sounds. Like isssssssssi, and "issi" means daddy in Estonian. So Daddy of course is super excited about it. ;) I again didn't believe that she would actually understand the meaning of it.. As she says it in all kinds of moments, not only when around him. But then I heard that some Latvian babies don't say this kind of a sound at all!.. Interesting.
Well, who knows..
Probably, as I always have said, she understands more than we think. :)


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