Toddler Walk

The warm days we had are over again, it seems. Today it was raining and raining again..
And to not sit inside all day (which Adelaide would be fine doing, btw. She could just read books and sit in my lap all day long..), once it had stopped raining, we put rubber boots on and went for a walk.

Actually, our first toddler walk. So far, usually, we are always in our yard. It's big enough (like 2000 sq.m), there always is enough to do.. No reason really to go anywhere else. (And we live too far from a village or playground, or things like that.)
However, today there was a reason - I wanted to go find the big puddles. :) 

They call them toddler walks - when you go for a walk with your toddler, and let her lead most of the time. Walk in their speed, little it might be, and stop to explore every rock and puddle, even if it takes 10 minutes.. 15.. or more. :)

So you could say this was our first.

And it was nice. We started with eating some apples, of course (Adelaide could eat them non-stop, and she says: ĀĀĀb (ābols in Latvian) every time she sees one), and then went for the first puddles.. Then she heard a dog or a cat, I'm not sure, as I didn't hear or see anything.. But she did. And went quite fast on the road, until reached a really big rock, where we played some hide and seek (I surprised her, jumping from the other side), and she laughed hysterically. Then she picked some flowers, found some rocks in the puddles.. And then she found acorns for the first time and wanted to eat them. Then we found some pine cones. And arrived to the big puddles. :)
She likes the small puddles ok, but not as much as I expected. But these big ones - ankle deep and wide as a sea - she liked a lot. Ran through them as fast as she could. Sat down and almost landed on her face..
So we started our way home, and yes, she was soaking wet. :) 

Picked some stuff on the way. (She didn't want to let go, but gave for me to hold onto.) 
We also have the first maple leaves falling in our garden.. (She is a bit afraid of them, and says Lapa (leaf in Latvian) quite understandably.) So it looks, like seasons are changing..


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