Our daily rhythm

Our daily rhythm is pretty good. I don't follow it on purpose. I noticed, when I tried to follow it too strictly, it all got totally messed up.. So I just let it go with the flow. And that seemed to work the best. Now our rhythm seems to work perfectly.
Rhythm mostly regards her sleep. Everything else is wrapped around it. ;) I don't have any rhythm for her feedings, she gets it whenever I feel like she wants it, sometimes more and sometimes less.

~9:30 waking up
Changing, washing, getting dressed
9:30 - 11:00 being awake, looking around and being cute, then getting sleepy again..
11:00 - 11:45 a nap in the big bed
11:45 - 13:00 being awake and happy
13:30 - 16:30 a long nap in the stroller
She falls asleep quickly. I used to take 1 h, even 2 h walks.. But now I just walk 100 m there and 100 back on the road by our house, and she is asleep. Leave the stroller outside and am free to write a blog post. (Door is a bit open, but soon we need to buy a baby monitor, as it gets colder..) She sleeps maybe two sleep cycles.. Between each cycle she wakes up a bit, so I have to run out and take another round. Sometimes two. Sometimes I need to sit there and move the stroller. Sometimes I need to run out every 5 minutes.

She sleeps at least 2 hours outside, sometimes 3 h. Sometimes I take her in, and she continues her nap in the bed.
16:30 - 19:00 being awake and happy
* Sometimes, if she was woken up earlier from the big nap, or is somehow more tired, she takes another 45 minute nap in the bed. It doesn't much influence her bed time. Sometimes I make a bed time a bit earlier.
19:00 bath time
Evening routine: after daddy has come home, we eat dinner, then straight to bath (daddy-time), into pijamas, swaddle and falling asleep by the breast. Falling asleep sometimes is fast, sometimes takes longer, 15 minutes to 1 hour.
20:00 asleep
Sometimes she wakes up once in an hour (at first, until like midnight), but falls back asleep quickly. In the night time, she wakes up a couple of times, like 2-3 times, I can't really tell, because she falls back asleep soon. Once I tried to time it, and she woke up like: 1:40, 5:40, 7:30, 9:30.
I still swaddle her. Even though she can (and has) slept without it, I feel it helps her to sleep better at night. I do not swaddle for the day naps.

This rhythm is for days at home. But being away from home wasn't so bad. She can be up for some 2 or 2,5 h. Then sleeps an hour.. Then awake again for an hour and so on.

And this is THE perfect rhythm, of course! :D Sometimes she doesn't sleep.. Sometimes takes forever.. Sometimes she wakes up at night.. It happens. ;)

What is awake time? Everything in the previous post. :) And being cute. And posing for pictures!


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