Midsummer's of my dreams

About a year ago, when I was in the early months of expecting our little surprise Jasmiina and was a bit worried, of how it all will go.. I suddenly had this image, this dream.. Midsummer's eve and me and my two girls, Adelaide and Jasmiina, a 2-year old and a 6-month old (mind also, that I officially couldn't even know, if Jasmiina is going to be a girl at that time.. But I knew). I could imagine a midsummer's sunset, both girls in my lap with their flower crowns. And then I suddenly felt so happy and peaceful, at total harmony, like it's all perfect. And had no more worries, because I knew it's meant to be. 

And here it is. :) It truly was a perfect midsummer's. And who doesn't know yet, it's special to me also because it's my birthday
We change our destinations every year, last year we were at Mr. Husband's home island Hiiumaa, this year it was Latvia's turn. A very traditional celebration with my closest family, as it has been since my childhood. Some traditions.. But basically having some nice time with my family. Beautiful weather this year too. 

A thought from one Montessori blog is on my mind.. It was about children and culture. Any culture, meaning our culture. Traditions.. Anything, that makes us not only individuals, but a part from something. It's very important for children to experience that. Annual traditions are a part of it. That's why I love this new chapter of our lives.. Seeing Adelaide, and now Jasmiina too, experience all this. Makes me so happy!



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