Our daily rhythm

Fitting well with the Simplicity Parenting, I thought that maybe it's time to write down our daily rhythm again. I have done it a couple of times before.

So, our day lately begins around:

8:30 - Adelaide wakes up, smiling and happy.

Then washing and dressing up for the day.

Then breakfast - she usually eats porridge at breakfast.
(I sometimes eat breakfast with her, sometimes skip it.. I'm not an early bird and 8:30 can be a bit early for me..) ;)

Playing time.

11:00 - 13:00 - Nap time. Adelaide still almost always sleeps in the stroller in our front hallway. A couple of times I went out with her, but the old way seems to be better. And! My dear 3 or even 4 hour sleeper is gone, now she she sleeps max for 2 hours, sometimes 1,5 hour. :( I guess it had to happen sometime.

13:00 - Lunch. She eats always straight after waking up. For lunch she usually has some veggies, possibly with meat. 

And then we always have a diaper-change after eating, as well as hand and face washing.

Playing time. And last couple of days we have started to go out in this time - like, for real out - she is on her own little feet. Yesterday I managed to even do some gardening work, while she was just playing right there in the grass. It's so much fun! She enjoys outside a lot! We were outside maybe even more than half an hour. And with weather getting warmer, in summer we probably will be out a lot more, hopefully all the time!

16:00 - 17:30 - Second nap time. For a little while, when she slept longer the first time, she sometimes had only one nap. But now it seems, that this is a good rhythm. Rest for her and me as well. Sleeping, the same, in the stroller. (Don't ask me, when is she going to start sleeping inside during the day.. ;) It will happen, when it's time.)

17:30 - First dinner. Here it depends, usually I guess she eats the same, what she had for lunch, or sometimes something different.

Playing time, sometimes being more cranky in this time already. I usually have to manage some dinner cooking, which I sometimes have started already earlier, while she is sleeping.

20:00 - Second dinner. This time maybe just some fruit. Sometimes porridge with fruit.

20:30 - Bath time. Which is still always Daddy-time as well. (I have given her bath once in last half a year..) On Tuesdays Mr. Husband comes home later, around 21:00, and then we wait for him, bath time being a bit delayed, but it is usually totally fine.

Before bath time we also do cleaning up of her toys, putting everything back to it's place.. And after bath time it's lights off, going to bedroom. Nursing a bit. For a while I was putting her to sleep, mostly by nursing and her playing around there, while falling asleep, but then she started to refuse to go to bed - and still is like this. She nurses a bit, and then is up and super excited, and always runs to daddy. ;) I am no good. Then I usually leave, he carries her around and rocks in arms in the dark bedroom, singing a bit (I sing lullabies too, when I nurse her in the evening), while she falls asleep.
The time, how long it takes for her to fall asleep, can vary, depending on the days activities and quality of the naps, but averagely she is asleep by:

21:30 - then we have some alone time, watch our favorite cooking show and drink tea.

Ehhh.. And then there's the night. At first she wakes up every hour, I put her back to sleep by nursing. Which is kinda fine.. Or has been. And at night she also wakes up quite often, hard to say, how many times, I haven't counted. I nurse her and continue sleeping myself. Closer to the morning it feels, like she is sleeping a bit longer stretches.. But who knows.

I was always fine with this nursing all night through, when she was a baby. I think it's natural and normal, especially as we sleep together. And I have decided to not worry about it and not try to change anything, at least until she is 1 year old. Or 1,5 year.. I am kinda hoping that it will change naturally as she grows. Well, if it won't, I might try to change it.. But a bit lazy for that, as it can be very problematic and include weeks of sleepless night for us all, so I'm not motivated enough to change anything.. I still am not really complaining about my sleep, I feel mostly fine.. And usually, what I have heard, it really does change by itself.. So good luck to us. :) She is growing up so fast.


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