Back from the Island

Another fun weekend. For a long time (end of pregnancy and Jasmiina's first 3 months) we didn't go almost anywhere, so now we're making up for it. After long time went to Hiiumaa again, visited Mr. Husband's parents and friends.

Going to Hiiumaa always is a chance to notice, how much Adelaide has grown! (And now Jasmiina too..) Last time we went in November, and it's a totally different child. And it's getting more and more interesting with each time. It's simply fascinating - now she actually is starting to understand all these concepts - we can talk already before (not too long before, but like earlier on the same day), that we are going to go to Hiiumaa.. We will get in the car and go see Mummi (grandmother) and Vanaisa (grandfather). She is listening and it's so cool to watch the concepts forming in her mind! How she is learning, what does it mean - Hiiumaa.. And going on a ship. And the sea.. It brings back my own childhood memories of world as kind of a fuzzy place with all those huge and meaningful things.. Everything just has such a bigger meaning for a child.

And her abilities! She is capable little girl now. She was playing in the playrooms of the new ships (we tried both Leiger and Tiiu, new ferries, we weren't very impressed with the quality and the concept of the playroom..), that was also very interesting - to observe her in a new situation, between other children. We could watch from afar and didn't have to worry about her too much, Adelaide will be fine. She is very brave, independent and social. She is also very observing and good at assessing the situation. For example, on the way there the playroom was full of huge boys (this was a flaw, it definitely wasn't safe for little ones, and most of Adelaide's age children came out after some time crying), but she was fine. On the way back there were more of smaller children and they all were playing on a slide. Adelaide exactly has mastered the slide at our neighbors, so there was no problem -  she knew the system and knew the rules. She loved it! She was very excited. And also turns out, that she is a little boss. :D (Not surprising.. Throwback to me as a child.) If someone was taking too long on the slide, she was running and pointing: Slide down! Slide down! (Šļūc lejā! in Latvian, and yes, she was using this in Latvian, as mainly I have happened to be with her on the slides, so she has this concept in Latvian for now.. Of course, eventually she will learn, that these Estonian children don't react to her Latvian. For now it doesn't even matter, because most of her age children are not even verbal much at all.)

Jasmiina is calm and happy, as always, I could put 100 pictures of her smiling and laughing. :)

Oh, and I have forgotten to mention, but we had a doctor's visit last week, and at 3 months Jasmiina is:

7,35 kg and
65 cm.

So I was right that the growth is evening out, because Adelaide at 3 months was 7,15 kg and 63 cm. ;)

Jasmiina also got blessed in Mr. Husband's family church.. Slept all the way through.

Adelaide always goes straight to the piano at their home..

And she already received a little Eastern basket. :)

Still likes to make lines.. She was enjoying everything and definitely wasn't bored.

Sadly the weather wasn't very nice, quite a cold wind, would have been nice to be outside more, because Hiiumaa is really cute in the spring.. But went out a bit. Here's an improvised Pikler triangle. :D


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