Yes, you have hands!

With reaching 3 months there is something new for Jasmiina - she is starting to discover that she has hands! :)

And this is a big deal. Hand is like the most essential tool for human beings. For a while already she was able to control her hands that much to put them into her mouth, but that served as a pacifier for her, something nice to suck at. (And it doesn't always mean, as some tend to say, that she's hungry, she can suck on her hand straight after a meal, babies just like to suck on things.)

But now she is learning that she can actually touch something with her hands. And than she can make objects move. Such an exiting discovery!

I held a toy above her in a reachable distance. At first she has to be able to notice it. And I wasn't even expecting this - but she was trying to bring her quite uncoordinated hand to the toy and she managed to touch it a bit and make it move. She was impressed and surprised, I could totally see it! Observing babies is amazing. She did several more attempts, making conclusions after every and each one. Astonishing.

So today I removed her visual mobile and hung there a toy for her in a reachable distance. (So-called tactile mobiles in Montessori, ones you can touch.) I tried two different ones, one colorful wooden ring that we used already with Adelaide, and then a simple wooden ring that we got as a gift (this one seemed to be a bit too high for her at the moment, to comfortably reach it), and she seemed more interested in the colorful one right now, because she was looking at it, as I put it aside.

This Montessori-way of hanging a toy above the baby seems to be quite genius really. Jasmiina is a bit slow in her gross motor development, she is not really rolling to the side yet, so it's very hard or almost impossible for her to reach a toy that's placed by her side. (But, of course, sometimes I do now place items to the side as well, to encourage her rolling.)

A bit later, once she will be able to move a bit more and is really able to grab, she can have actual rattles etc, which are not tied above her.

Once the big sister comes, naturally, it's more interesting than any mobile. :) (The amazing) life with two.

One more thing - this my blog is finally really paying off! I started it, when Adelaide was a bit over 2 months old. And now we can look back at my old posts and it's all there! So interesting to see, what she was doing at the same age, and I even get some ideas, what to offer Jasmiina! Because you truly do forget, especially all kinds of small, but important details.

So interestingly, Adelaide was really a lot stronger and quicker in her development, she was from the very beginning. Basically, this, what Jasmiina is doing now, Adelaide was doing soon after 2 months. And at her 3-month birthday Adelaide was already pushing herself up and almost trying to move forward..

So Jasmiina will be taking her time a bit more, which is totally fine, as everyone develops in their own pace. I see a definite progress constantly, and that's what matters. Also, Jasmiina is very developed socially - she is communicating so much! And it seems that she will be a musician, because she loves, when we sing to her! She just stops and leaves everything and is listening while almost holding her breath! :)


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