To roll or not to roll

Jasmiina has some new skills. :)

The thing is, that she wasn't rolling over yet. And even though it actually should be totally fine, within the norms (as I read, rolling over from back to belly is a skill usually obtained between 6-7 months, and not 3-4 months, as I'd thought. Adelaide rolled over at 3 months and 4 weeks), our doctor was asking about it at our last appointment and didn't say anything much, but I knew, that soon she might comment on it more.
Jasmiina had been rolling over to her sides easily, and there was just a little bit missing to roll over totally, so I knew she would do it soon.. But just in case, to be sure and prepared, I decided that I will make a video and ask our amazing physiotherapist (to whom we have shown our babies in their first months, to make sure everything is ok), as he had said he can answer some questions via e-mail as well.
I sent him this video of Jasmiina.

And wrote of everything that she CAN do, and that's a lot - she is very strong! She likes being on her stomach, she can reach over to things easily, pushing herself up on her arms, she can move as much as a meter (and sometimes it seems that even more!) while reaching for something. Sometimes she pushes herself backwards, but not forward yet. She likes to play with her toes and she can roll to her side easily.

And then, of course, in the same evening (11.07.2017, her being around 6,5 months old) - she rolled over! :D Twice, while I was chatting and cuddling with her on the floor. Good timing, Jasmiina, I knew it will go somehow like that.. ;)
She suddenly started lifting her neck, while on her side, which she hadn't done before, and over to her belly she was.

And now she has repeated it a couple of more times. But only as I'm talking to her and calling her.. :D She laughs and then comes. But when she's on her back on her own, she can just lie and look around calmly, or play with a toy for a long, long time.. And not attempt to roll anywhere. That's how she is, our dreamy Jasmiina. :) I'm sure soon she'll discover that it's actually fun to roll around and a lot more options reveal then.

And our physiotherapist answered the next morning and told that everything seems perfectly fine with Jasmiina, that he watched the video many times, and she is a perfectly normal 6-month old. :) And that otherways her abilities don't even seem to be behind at all, she's totally on track, and she'll roll eventually. As she did. 

It's interesting.. Why are we expecting such a speedy development in babies? Ok, Adelaide was fast in everything, she was super strong from birth (she was holding her head as she flew (literally, like a supergirl) out of my womb. ;) So it was easy for me with Adelaide. I was in my mommy-group back then and Adelaide was one of the first to do everything. Most babies took a lot more time, and I knew it's normal, as I know now. Jasmiina is dreamy.. She is so different! It's actually unbelievable, the more Jasmiina grows, the more I see and am shocked, how totally different they are! And both simply amazing. :)

So Jasmiina is developing perfectly.
I'm so happy we are doing (what is normal here, I believe, in Latvia and Estonia) a natural gross motor development - letting babies develop in their own speed and their own way, trying not to rush them and make them do something that they are not ready for. As I see something from other countries, like USA, they have totally different expectations and standards for babies. (Babies are made to sit up etc. I kind of wrote about our way in this in this post..)

Yeah, Jasmiina is not sitting, for sure. She can't even sit up straight with support. That's why we're still waiting with solid foods, she is still totally exclusively breastfed baby. :) But soon, I guess soon we'll try to offer her something.. But she's just not ready yet.
Everything in it's own time.

P.S. And as I was pushing the "publish" button for this post, Jasmiina just rolled over totally on her own, catching a toy. :) (She was happily playing nearby.)


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