Jasmiina - 5 months old!

Happy birthday, our amazing Jasmiina! :) Wow, 5 months?!! Time flies, and here we go.. Here we have a big girl!

Yes, I remember myself saying to friends, when their babies have celebrated their 5th and 6th month birthdays - That's already some fun age beginning there! I remember, that in Adelaide there was a switch, or at least a noticeable change around this time.. That a real personality emerges, they start to communicate and participate so much more!

And actually myself I already had kind of forgotten, what it means.. I thought it had something to do with beginning to move (Adelaide was rolling over already by now, and crawling by 5,5 months..), but Jasmiina is not so mobile yet.. But it's not even about that. 
Because now I see again - somehow, quite suddenly.. Jasmiina is a big girl. :) She's so fun, so social, she is either participating actively, socially, or observing so, so carefully - everything that's going on. For sure, now it is visible - she is thinking constantly, understanding everything and trying to communicate with us. :)

I must say, I love this age.. I love, as the children grow and develop, and become so much more. :) Love to get to know them.

Jasmiina, of course, still and always - is our little fun girl! :) Always so happy, always smiling and laughing.. All it takes is to look at her, and she smiles! She loves being tickled.. And sometimes she just laughs for no reason, especially at Adelaide - Adelaide is just doing something, anything, and Jasmiina finds it so amusing. :)

She has fingers in her mouth constantly. Or a toy instead. I remember the same thing with Adelaide around the same age, not sure, was it quite so much like this.. Teething, perhaps, but teeth might emerge still in months to come.

So Jasmiina is not rolling over yet, but it's ok.  No worries yet. It's a bit to do with her being a bit weaker than Adelaide (because they are about the same big, Adelaide was big too, and for big babies it normally takes a bit longer to start moving, but she was much stronger), but also so much about her personality - I just see it! - she's not even that interested in rolling anywhere! She's usually so dreamy.. Looking somewhere or smiling. :) She's less active and less driven to achieve some purpose. More eager to communicate and connect.

However, she still has become a lot stronger! Quite suddenly, again, she started to hold herself up high, when being on her tummy, and now she enjoys it a lot. So we also put her like this a lot more often. She likes to look around and she is trying to grab toys near her.. It almost looks like she is trying to get forward, like this she will sooner push forward than roll around (even though she does roll to her side, and a couple of times I have noticed, that - just a little bit more!, and she would be over..).

Her brain is working very hard right now. Her hand coordination is so much better, she can grab toys very well and move them around with both of her hands, not dropping them. She is carefully observing at first, choosing the right angle, and then, of course, giving it a taste. :)

And she has a very caring older sister. Who brings her toys.. Jasmiina doesn't mind at all. :)

And today we celebrated this - already so big! birthday - with another cake, of course.. Slowly preparing for another big birthday to come.. what?! Already next week! :)

We love our Jasmiina so much, can't imagine life without this joy. :)


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