
It's so hard to make ourselves go outside! Especially, when I am sleepy and tired, and Adelaide shows no wish to go out..
But I have promised myself to do it at least once a day - it seems that it will always be soon after her nap and lunch, in the afternoon - so far it has worked that way, even though today it seemed unlikely to happen..

And, of course, it turned out that outside is actually warm and pleasant (+8 C), she was happy to walk, and it was nice. :) (Which just proves we have to get over our laziness.)

We walked, and then we picked some chestnuts, we have a big chestnut tree in our yard. She wasn't picking them, but I was showing to her, how the chestnut is inside it's house, and then she took it and put in my pocket. We picked both of my pockets full.

So, and then - chestnuts are a great tool for some Montessori style activity! I had wanted to give her some scooping work, even though maybe a bit late with that - she has practiced plenty of scooping, while eating. She eats now already very well, almost could say perfectly, on her own - both with spoon and fork. She can, for example, eat soup very successfully totally independently. (I sometimes help still..)

But she seemed to like my chestnut invention! At first she didn't do it, she was looking for my pocket!.. So I found a cloth bag and thought she maybe would like to put them there better instead, but no, she soon returned to the scooping.


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