Music lesson, what fun!

..or not.

We were at a toddler (for 1,3-3 year olds) music class today.

Last week we met with Adelaide's cousins (21 months and almost 4 years old), and it was such fun. I was surprised, how well they interacted, how much Adelaide seemed to like them and enjoy it..

She also is pointing all the time at pictures of children in her books, saying "bā" (bērns in Latvian), so I figured.. she is finally ready and in need for some social interaction with other children!

Of course, ideally, with children of mixed age, not exactly her age, as she seems to be more interested exactly in older children, she was more interested and in awe of the 4 year old, rather than the 2 year old.

But it's not easy to find.. I have been searching quite a lot for some playgroups or something sensefull nearby, but it seems quite impossible. So I just decided to go and try one, that someone had suggested somewhere, a music lesson.

I didn't have any high hopes, as we had attended a mainstream music lesson in the spring. I kinda knew, what to expect, but I was going there quite open-minded and in a good mood.

But it was worse than I expected. Compared to this, the one we went to in spring was great, I guess the teacher there was a lot nicer and more professional, more talented..
This one.. well, yes, let's make a group of 1-year-olds walk around in a circle, clap their hands together and do some totally pointless things. No freedom of movement or will of the children, just putting them in a box at such a young age, or at least trying to, and then feeling frustrated if they don't behave. The musical quality of the lesson was poor (I could do a better lesson myself..), it was pressured, and we did not like it.

(I am quite tired at the moment, so it's hard for me to describe this pointless lesson without being a little bit rude.)

After I complained to some friends, they asked, what would be the perfect lesson? Or what would I expect from a lesson like that..

I would expect, that there would be some structure of the lesson, lead by a teacher, where she would go through some songs, introduce musical instruments and so on (if we're talking about a music lesson), but children would be free to move around the room, explore whatever they wish at their own speed, in a prepared and suitable environment, being able to just observe the activities, and take part only, when they are ready and want to participate. No pressure or expectations for them to do so.      Something like that.

It's not too much to ask, actually the Waldorf baby-mornings that we attended last year were kinda like that. Sadly, I guess they are not happening anymore.

I really want to find some place, where we could get out from home to a different environment like once a week, where Adelaide could interact with other children.. But we must keep looking, as today's class is definitely not going to be it.


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