Daily rhythm

I should take more time to write about Waldorf and Montessori. These theories are really interesting, and you can take some great ideas, how to raise your child better, give some thought and structure to it, instead of just going with the flow and doing, what feels right. (Nothing so wrong with that either, but always helps to educate yourself a bit..)

But one thing I really find right in Waldorf, is the daily rhythm. The fact, that all the children need rhythm, stability, traditions, steadiness of life and predictability. They only benefit from it, as the stress level is low and they can relax, fully enjoy themselves and develop. (However, one important thing with the rhythm - it needs to be flexible and fit also your needs!)

But (something from Attachment Parenting, I guess) - I don't believe in enforcing the rhythm (or regime). The best idea is to follow the child, listen and adapt. Everyone will be happier that way.

So one of my priorities right now is to create some rhythm for us. Some might say, that with so small baby it doesn't matter that much. (I even might say that.) However, what made me think it's important already now is the fact, that a bigger child definately needs a rhythm, and while the child grows, the rhythm will not change, it will just adjust. For example - I might think it's ok that the baby goes to sleep with us at midnight. But it's not ok that a child goes to sleep so late. So but at what point would it change? The big picture should be set already now.

So I will keep posting, how will our attempts for daily rhythm be going.

The current situation:

7:30 Waking up, diaper change
.... Being awake for a little while, looking around, while I try to sleep some more
8:00 Nursing
8:00 - 9:30 Sleeping some more (these are much needed hours of sleep for me, however, I'm not sure if we can keep them in the future, she seems less and less eager to fall back asleep..)
9:30 Waking up, playing, smiling, looking around, naked time
10:30 Nursing, getting sleepy
11:00 - 12:00 Morning nap?
12:00 - 13:00 Awake time
Sometime during the day, like 13:00 - 16:00 Big day nap
16:00 - 17:30 Awake time
17:30 - 18:30 Evening nap
18:30 - 20:00 Awake time
20:00 Bath
20:30 - 21:30 Falling asleep
21:30 - 7:30 Night sleep (with ocasional eating, of course)

However, we are only working now on sleep time around 21, because before she used to fall asleep at 23 or 24. And during the day, it changes a bit every day. Good luck for us making it more consistant!

Part of the Awake time - looking at some black'n'white stuff


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