What do I like/support

Lately I have been quite interested in the term Attachment Parenting. Because it seems, that is how we are mostly going to raise our daughter. I actually could call it just - Normal Parenting. Because most of the concepts for me seemed normal anyway, I would have done them anyway. Only later I found out about this "Attachment Parenting" theory and that I quite agree in most of it. (Probably not all, I am not any fanatic..)
So that probably will be one thing.
Others would be Montessori and Waldorf theories. I know they are total opposites, but reading of their principles for small children, it didn't seem so to me. Montessori is actually what first made me discover blogging world a couple of years ago. And I like their technics for learning.
For a long time I thought I totally do not like Waldorf.. But reading "Beyond the Rainbow Bridge" made me change my mind.
So I guess I'm going to write about my parenting style, my own mixture of Attachment, Waldorf, Montessori and who knows what else.

And I'm planning to make separate posts of why I like:

  • Natural Childbirth.. and why it doesn't always work.
  • Breastfeeding. And breastfeeding on demand.
  • Babywearing.
  • Extented Rear Facing car seats and why they are so much safer.
  • Co-sleeping. Will it work for us?
  • No cry-it-out methods and responding to each cry. Sometimes it's exhausting..
  • Cloth diapers

Another thing - English is definately not my first language (even though it has been my home language for many, many years..), I cannot decide whether to write in English, Latvian or Estonian.

Probably should explain, I am Latvian, living in Estonia. ;) My husband is Estonian, we talk English. I talk with my daughter in Latvian, he does in Estonian. Our cat knows all three.
So it might be a multilingual blog. Who knows.


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