One, two..

Adelaide can count to two! :D

Which is quite surprising.. She was repeating the word two (kaks in Estonian) for a while already, but I don't think she understood the meaning of it really. Recently, as we have sometimes told her such things like: one shoe, two shoes and so on, she started also saying one (üks), and sometimes just talking one, two; one, two quietly to herself. Well, I still wouldn't think she understands the concept..
But she is getting it more and more, as today she was herself pointing at her shoes and saying one, two.. And the biggest thing - she picked up two rocks outside, and was saying: üks akme(ns) (one rock); kaks akme (two rock). I don't think we have told her this about rocks, so she made this one up herself.. And, of course, I don't actually think she can count, but some understanding is there, and that is so cool. :)

Her language is developing amazingly, I am already preparing a bigger post about it, as her 18-month birthday is approaching.

Otherways, as I realized I haven't posted for a while anything much, it is because our lives are going quite calmly at the moment.. I am trying to gather all my energy to spend days with Adelaide, as my due date is approaching unbelievably fast, same time trying to catch some moments of rest, as well as finish little DIY projects (like mobiles for the baby and Christmas gift for Adelaide, both posts to follow).

We have also been meeting up with some friends.. Which has been quite nice, conclusions being, that Adelaide doesn't care about small babies one tiny bit. :D (We saw a 3-month-old, and she didn't even really acknowledge it's presence, same time she probably understood that it's a living thing, because about a doll she would have cared more.) So there isn't really any way, how you can prepare for a new sibling at this age.. She just doesn't understand those concepts.. of babies, or sisters, or anything. It will be interesting to see, how she will actually react.

And she likes slides and toy cars (on which you can sit) a lot. We were at a playroom, where she was super excited about those, and sliding down time after time didn't stop even after she fell and got a bump in her head. She doesn't care much about other children either, she likes to look at bigger kids and gets quite excited about those (at least 3-, 4-year olds or older), but her own age.. Not really. Playroom was an ok experience still, in a way, that I had to teach her to not push other kids down from the slide, wait until someone else climbs up first and so on.. (She is the one who will push others down.) :)

At home she likes to read books, help me in the kitchen (by eating the ingredients, or helping me to put pieces in a bowl and muffin papers in the muffin pan, or yesterday she was exploring fish heads!).. And take long nice walks. As for other toys and activities, not that much at the moment, I am planning to make a sum-up post about those as well.


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