
Lately Adelaide has been showing to us, that she is starting to see things that are the same (she even says - samasugune - the same, same kind of in Estonian) or similar, she was finding matching objects, for example, in books, also in real life.

And today, she bought two of her books and said - samasugune! - both had farm animals (but different, one had drawings and other had photos) on the cover. Wow! Talk about that the child shows you herself, what she is capable of and interested in!

We did some little matching with her sticker books - we took a sticker (a penguin, for example, she loves penguins) and then she was looking for the same animal in her animal picture book. And found it too! :)

So then I remembered that I have these picture cards, and that there exactly was 2 of each! So I found 4 (for start) of some of her favorites, and showed her the matching game.. She was very thrilled! :)

At first I demonstrated once, then I did this video..

I think that she will like this one.

Matching things is a popular Montessori activity. You can match picture to picture or picture to object, which is the next level. I will make that next - a picture of an animal and an animal figurine to match it with.


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